Sunday 14 June 2015

Vintage Roses Photo Hanging Plaquette

My new design Vintage Roses Photo Hanging Plaquette went down a treat with it's new owner and resulted in an abundance of requests for the same style so I will be a busy bee for the next while making sure I get all my orders completed in time while at the same time keeping up with the furniture upstyling taking place in my small studio!!  I can barely fit myself in at the moment due to the amount of work going on - I need to think about a bigger space soon!

Here's some pics of the Vintage Roses Plaquette which can be used for hanging a favourite photo using the mini peg which is attached to the ribbon within the frame.  This time, I went for a vertical design and included the person's name inside the frame as an added touch.  She loved it and I am happy to say there will be more similar to this in the near future.  Thanks for dropping by, don't forget to call again soon to see what's happening at Funky-Junk. Orders can be made by filling in the form at the right hand side of this blog page or on the Funky-Junk Facebook page by clicking the tab at the top of this page.

Vintage Roses Photo Hanging Plaquette

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