Friday 6 February 2015

Mirror - Old Pine to Vintage Chic

It's a great feeling when you've put your heart into something and you finally see the end result and you're smiling.  After a week of working every night on the old pine mirror that I painted recently and spoke about in my last post, it's finally finished and looks great.  Some slight distressing was done first to create an 'old' look and then I découpaged it using a variety of vintage style materials which I overlapped in some places.  After sealing and sanding several times (that's the boring part) I then used a wax for the final finishing.  I'm super happy with it and hope you like it although I don't think the photos do it justice - it's not easy to photograph a mirror!  Don't forget to leave a comment here or on my Facebook page as I'm always interested to hear what you think.  Thanks for coming by.

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