Monday 24 November 2014

Wardrobe Makeover

The wardrobes in my home, although in good condition, had become dated and needed refreshing. As I was also totally fed up looking at them I decided to paint them and while I was checking them out to see what way I could proceed with the job, I noticed that the 'laminate' had lifted slightly from one of the doors.  I pulled at it and to my surprise it started to come away - all of it - in one piece as can be seen the the first photo below.  It took me less than 5 minutes per door to remove everything, each piece lifting off easily and you can see the entire sheet just after it was removed in Photo 2 below. Underneath, the doors were MDF with a white finish.  They would have been fine left white but it wasn't the look I wanted  so I made up some sand coloured chalk paint using the recipe on this blog and painted a coat of it onto one of the doors.  The MDF was a perfect base for painting although it will need another coat or two and of course the surround will have to be painted too for completion.

I am really happy with my discovery and the fact that I will have totally new look wardrobes for the cost of some paint.  I will post again on this when the job is finished so keep watching.

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