Friday 7 February 2014

Bar Stool

I finally managed to finish sanding down this stool, it had about 50 years of grime and dirt stuck to it and it took me quite a while.  The result is sore hands and a clean stool!

Bar Stool Sanded
Bar Stool Sanded
I couldn't decide what way to finish it. Dark stain? Medium Stain? Paint? In the end the traditionalist in me chose to bring it back to it's original look - I went for medium.

Below is just after I applied the colour, it's still wet and will lighten slightly when dry - I'll decide then what to do next.  Hope you enjoyed looking, keep updated by following me on this blog at or on my Facebook page.  Don't forget you can also subscribe to receive updates by email by typing your email address in the 'Follow by Email' box below.

With Medium Stain
With Medium Stain
With Medium Stain

Here are the with and without photos side by side:

With Medium Stain

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