Tuesday 14 January 2014

Bar Stool

It's been a while since I last posted an update on this piece, mid-October to be exact but with all the Christmas prep, and the fact that I was busy with the Christmas craft pieces that I posted during November and December, it just got put aside.

For a reminder of how it looked;


I've progressed a little since the above photos were taken, I stripped off what was left of the old canvas, cleaned the stool up and made a start on the sanding.  You can see the difference in colour between the seat frame where I have done some sanding and the legs that haven't been done yet. It's beginning to look a little cleaner!

There's still a fair bit of sanding and finishing to do before I can start the upholstery work but I have my tools and supplies ready and waiting, some of which I already had to hand and the rest I got from the upholstery supplier today.  I'm probably going to use the same upholstery fabric that I used to cover the boardroom chair featured on this blog as I have some left over and it's a good quality fabric that was pretty expensive. Have a look by clicking on the 'Upholstery Work' tab at the top of the page.  Let me know what you think by leaving a comment - you can do this by clicking 'Comment' at the end of this post.

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