Sunday 5 January 2014

Vase Revamp

Did you ever notice that once Christmas is over it's all about refreshing the house?  I don't know about you, but every year I do the same things, re-organise everything in the wardrobes and cupboards, buy new towels and tea towels, paint walls etc.  I think it's a time of the year where I get fed up looking at the same old stuff.

That's how my last little project came about.  I decided to change the colour scheme of my main bathroom by adding orange.  I had bought new orange towels but couldn't find anything orange in my searches that was nice enough to add as a focal point.  The original colour scheme was beige and black and it was the black that I wanted gone.  I had a lovely black vase with a design on it which I was really fond of but it no long matched the 'new' bathroom so I decided to paint it orange.  I know that some of you will probably say 'oh no, she ruined a lovely vase' but it had served its purpose, time for reinvention......

Vase Before

I'm pleased with my vase makeover and it cost me nothing except for a little time and patience as I had the paint and varnish to hand.


  1. Looks great gwen your very artistic.

  2. I don't know where my last comment went but this inspired me to dig out pottery that I moved with us to this house last year and didn't want to send them to Goodwill but the colors don't match my new house. Now I know I can revamp them with this idea! Thank you, R. Whyte

    1. Thanks for your comment - that's fantastic, good luck with painting them, if you need any tips let me know I'd be happy to help. You can contact me directly at


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