Sunday 23 October 2016

Make Your Own Autumnal Centrepiece

Every year at this time I make my own Autumnal Centrepiece - its so simple to do and costs almost nothing as I collect most of what I need in my local park. Here's how:

First, find a tray or large plate of your choice - mine's a gold rectangular one that I also use for my Christmas centrepiece.  

You'll need a focal point for the project and for this I generally use candles, orange is a good colour as it ties in with the season and if it's scented, all the better but you can choose the colour that suits you best.  You can use two or three candles if you wish, depending on the size and shape of your tray. If it's round, 3 looks good. This year, I went with one as my tray is small.

The next stage is up to you, you can use any of nature's Autumnal gifts by collecting what you find local to you. Tree twigs, chestnuts, leaves, fruit, pine cones, acorns, gourds - whatever you like. Just arrange them on your tray until you are happy with the way it looks.  This is my 2016 version...

I hope you enjoyed reading about my Autumnal Centrepiece, I'd love to hear about how yours turned out so don't forget to let me know by leaving a comment below.

Bye for now

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