Monday 17 November 2014

Lamp Revamp

I gave up searching for a new lampshade for my standard lamp as I just couldn't find one that would match my newly painted dining room.  I was all set to re-cover the existing one but again didn't see any fabric that caught my eye that would do justice to the room.  While tidying my crafts cupboard I came across these lovely napkins (below) and I decided to try découpaging the lampshade but was unsure if it would work as the original shade (below) was covered in a purple fabric and I didn't think the napkins would stick well to it.  It was a little difficult to get them to adhere to the lamp but in the end perseverance paid off.  Now at least I have a lamp that matches my room - a perfect temporary fix until I find a new shade or some suitable fabric and it cost me nothing in the process.

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