Monday 10 March 2014

Vase Découpage

In my last post I talked about preparing to découpage the orange vase that I had revamped in January. Today I've progressed well with it although choosing the best cut-outs for the vase was not as easy as you would think.  I was inclined at first to go for colours of complete contrast to it but after trying them out I changed my mind and ended up going with colours that blended in with the orange.

First, I used blue-tack to place the cut-outs where I wanted them on the vase and when I was happy with the arrangement I marked the area with pencil.  Then I just glued them on, sponged them down to take off the excess glue and waited for them to dry.  When they were fully dry I applied my first coat of varnish and left it overnight.  I sanded it lightly with very fine sandpaper the following day before applying the second coat of varnish.

With two coats varnish

With two coats varnish

Before Varnish

Before Glue Dried 
Most découpage projects will take about 10 coats of varnish before the paper becomes 'level' with the object and no longer looks like paper stuck to it.  Patience is required waiting for each coat of varnish to dry but the end result is worth it.  I hope you enjoyed reading about my vase découpage project, please let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.

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